Saturn Magic Live 22nd October 2024
On This live:
Witch Finder, Card Silk, Wand Emotions, Equivokey, Ghost Writer, Ninja Poker, Predicto and more
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Please note the information given in these reviews is often based on advanced information we are given on products and may not always transfer to the final item released. Also the contents, pricing etc on a particular item may change over time. See each individual item for final details on the product
On This live:
Witch Finder, Card Silk, Wand Emotions, Equivokey, Ghost Writer, Ninja Poker, Predicto and more
On This live:
Inkling, Paradoja, Impossible Balance, Spirit Writer, Copy That, Greek Peak Wallet, LS Buttons and more
On This live:
Easy Tones, Omni Air, Pocket Bunny, Emergence, Rebel Knot, Ringo Hank, Scary Book, Menthol, Inkling , Trident and more
On This live:
Coin Artist, Dead Famous Deck, Card Holders, Pocket Prestige, Babu, Childs Play, Flash Fish production and more
On This live:
Iarvel Pad in depth look and demo, CTC Stage, Key Ring, Reverse Logic, Stitch, Svenkards, Svenpad Nano and more
On This live:
52 Predictions, Harken Dice, Immortal Glass, XO Game, Final Dot, Index Pro, Rainbow Pop, Card Picker, Oddest Ball, Quantum Pad, Dream Table, Iarvel Pad,Wormhole, Split Hole, Coin Shackles, Not so Sharp, Obliter8, Inkredible x and more