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VANISH Magazine by Paul Romhany (Year 1) eBook DOWNLOAD
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Find out what ALL the TOP INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS are reading.
And find out more about THEM in VANISH magazine.
If you haven't been reading VANISH magazine, you are missing out! But don't fear. We have collected them into one easy download. AND never worry about locating back issues because we will allow you to stream it as well. Close to 100,000 readers can't be wrong!
Each issue continues to grow with great content!
Each issue contains a wealth of information from the business side of magic to essays on performing including illusions, close-up magic, mentalism and birthday parties. The review section offers the latest tricks, books, DVDs and Apps to reach the market.
In the first year you will find dozens of tricks ranging from illusions, close-up magic using cards, coins and silks and a special section on kids tricks. The six part series by Randy Charach on marketing alone used to sell for hundreds of dollars as a stand-alone item.
Here are a few of the items you'll find in the first YEAR OF VANISH.
Edition 1:
How is the value of a commercial magician measured? By JC Sum
Chipper Lowell feature Interview -
an indepth look at one of the world's most creative and busiest performers
by Diamond Jim Tyler - bar tricks
It's Child's Play -
Kids magic by Tony Chris aka Zany Zak
Magic Trick Reviews -
the latest product/iproduct/books and DVD reviews
The Magic of mentoring -
by Nick Lewin
Winning Numbers -
Wayne Rogers shares a stand-up mentalism routine
The Success Series -
Professional worker Cris Johnson shares some of the secrets to his success
Magic Face Lift -
Illusion designer Mark Parker takes a classic and revamps it
Income Marketing for Magicians -
Millionaire magician Randy Charach discusses marketing tips
From the Desk of Keith Fields -
What makes an act good?
Unprepared and Impromptu -
UK mentalist Ken Dyne talks about being prepared
Dear Pamela -
a great card routine by Richard Webster
You Can't Buy Personality -
Bizzaro talks about personality
Karate Shadow -
amazing routine by Andrew Gerard
Tricks are for Magicians, Silly Rabbit -
Connecting with the audience - a routine by TC Tahoe
Magic 24-7 -
New York magician Ben Robinson opens up to what it is like to be a full time pro
Real Coin in Bottle -
a different version of this classic by Ken Ring
Suspension Tips -
Chair Suspension guru Kyle Peron
Edition 2:
From the editor -
by Paul Romhany
Six Thinking Hats for the Magician -
JC Sum
from magician to TV and film star - interview by Chipper Lowell
Teller Speaks -
The story behind the SHADOW copyright by Teller
Bamboozlers -
Another bar bet by Diamond Jim Tyler
Impossible Prediction -
routine by Luca Volpe
Logic and Reasoning -
Mark Parker shares some insight in to the world of performing an illusion
House Keeping -
Cups and Balls by Brian Watson
Nick Lewin Presents - How To get work on a cruise ship
346 on 1 -
Birthday routine by Wayne Rogers
The Success Series -
Positive people by Cris Johnson
Marketing Tip for Bizarre Magic -
Illusion builder and designer Peter Loughran shares a killer marketing idea
Income Marketing System for Magicians -
Randy Charach's system Part 2
From The Desk of Keith Fields
The Revelation -
UK Mentalist Ken Dyne talks about the final prediction
Hermione -
Costume change illusion by Lee Alex
Cards of Fate -
A card reading routine by Richard Webster
The Transformation -
Kyle Ravin's story on putting a show together
The Secret to Happiness -
Bizzaro's inner thoughts
Penny for Your Thought -
A coin routine by Andrew Gerard
A Very Good Year -
TC Tahoe's card routine
Magic 24 - 7 - Part 2
by Ben Robinson
Top 3 Rehearsal Tips -
The real secret behind rehearsing by Nick Kolenda
Barrel of Fun! -
Coin in barrel routine by Danny Archer
Glorious Stack -
Memorized deck and ACAAN by Ken Ring
A Magician's Constitution -
something EVERY MAGICIAN SHOULD READ by Kyle Peron
Lu Chen Review -
The Hong Kong Show reviewed by Adrian Saw
The Healthy Performer
by Danny Weiser
Edition 3:
From the editor -
by Paul Romhany
Making News -
latest news of the month
Magician's Crossword Puzzle -
print this off and have fun
sold over 1 million books this is an indepth interview with a true legend of mentalism
Scryer's Svengali -
Neal Scryer shares one of his favourite routines from his best selling book
The Birthday Card Trick -
Richard Webster shares his diary trick
Extreme Inversion -
Magic Babe Ning looks at her impossible escape
Creating A Mega Stunt -
JC Sum
Bamboozlers -
Diamond Jim Tyler's bar bets
How To Choose Music For Your Act -
by Jan Kosters
Child's Play -
kids magic by Tony Chris aka Zany Zak
+ Supermans Crystal Cave routine
Life as an international Entertainer -
Charles Bach
Marked Deck For Idiots -
comedy routine by Chipper Lowell
Illusion Design
by Mark Parker
A Hard Days Night -
By Bizzaro
The Proverbial Standing Ovation
by Matthew Fallon
Clearly Q&T -
routine by Banachek
Nick Lewin Presents -
Ken Brooke and the Three Card Trick
Quick Flip Book Test -
routine by Wayne Rogers
The Success Series
by Cris Johnson
In The Trenches with Floyd Collins -
interview with Julian Mather
From Package to Platform
by Lee Alex
Is Your Logo Working For You?
Kyle Peron
Magic For The Masses
by Michael Grandinetti
Income Marketing System for Magicians
by Randy Charach - Create Your Magician Marketing Plan
A Long Time Coming - Viktor Voitko -
Mark Stevens
From The Desk of Keith Fields
A Better Performance Checklist
by Ken Dyne
Street Theatre
by Kyle Ravin
Card Across routine
by Tony Binarelli
Silk Contact routine
by Lawrens Godon
7 Days A Week -
routine by TC Tahoe
The Horus Eye -
routine by Luca Volpe
Comedy Opener
by Greg Arce
Instant Stooge
by Danny Archer
From The Editor
by Paul Romhany
Making News
Magician's Crossword Puzzle
By Balu The Magician
By Paul Romhany - what made Keith the superstar he is today
The Magic of Hypnosis -
Matthew Fallon
Ipad Solo Cam
by Wayne Rogers
What's In A Name
by Bizzaro
by Diamond Jim Tyler
Stapled To The Max
by Tony Binarelli
The Magic Civil War
by Joe Givan
Last One Standing -
amazing routine by Neal Scryer
Kids' Play
by Tony Chris aka Zany Zak
Routining an Illusion Part 1 -
Character and Theming by Charles Bach
Sure Fire Prediction
by Charles Gauci
America's Got Talent - Playing the Game
by Mark Parker
How To Succeed at AGT
by Tim Ellis
Magicopolis - Where Magic Meets Business
by Adam de la Pena
About Magicopolis
by Steve Spill
Vampire Slayer
by Richard Webster
The Success Series
by Cris Johnson
Spit in a bag
by Banachek
Nick Lewin Presents - Magicians, Mind Readers & Other Exotic Beings
Superstars of Magic in Genting, Malaysia
by JC Sum and Magic Ning Babe
Think Big, Play Big and Win Big!
By Lee Alex
The One Gig I'll Never Forget
by Danny Archer
Income Marketing System for Magicians
by Randy Charach
From The Desk of Keith Fields
Sharing Your Magic
by Kyle Ravin
Increasing Your Business
by Kyle Peron
From The Editor
by Paul Romhany
Making News
Becoming Comfortably Confident
by Matt Fallon
by Diamond Jim Tyler
Magicians' Crossword Puzzle
by Balu The Magician
Michael GILES - In-depth interview
by Chipper Lowell - Part One
Pyramid's Eye
by Banachek
The Success Series
by Cris Johnson
Just Say YES To Acting
by Joey Pipia
Name Dropper - routine
by Wayne Rogers
Why Vegas?
By Bizzaro
Millennium Supermentalism
by Tony Binarelli
Edinburgh Love Affair
by Sarah Jones
How To Get Amazing Client Testimonial
s by Leif David
Who Wants To Stop Performing?
by Ken Dyne
Child's Play
by Tony Chris
Routine An Illusion Part 2 - Story, Conflict and Resolution
by Charles Bach
Thinking and Doing in Magic
by Eugene Burger
The Magic Assistant
by Gwyn Auger
The First Time I Advertised My Magic Show
by Steve Spill
Nicholas Night Exclusive Interview
by Paul Romhany
Into The Future
by Richard Webster
Double Prediction
by Luca Volpe
Nick Lewin Presents - Turning Sid Ceaser in to Mr. Magic
for Steven Spielberg
Czech This Out
by Lee Alex
Be Cool
by Danny Archer
Income Marketing System For Magicians
by Randy Charach
Let's Make A Deal or No Deal
by TC Tahoe
From The Desk of Keith Fields -
Back on the street part 2
Choosing the material for your act
by Matthew Fallon
by Diamond Jim Tyler
Magician's Crossword Puzzle
The Illusionists Exclusive world first
by Chipper Lowell
Michael Giles interview Part 2
by Chipper Lowell
Business Cards and Online Printing
by Kyel Peron
Just say YES to acting Part 2
by Joey Pipia
Nick Lewin Presents ...
The Magic Castle's 50th Birthday Bash
Analyzing Charlie Chaplins' What People Laugh At
by Ben Robinson
Sound Advice
by Peter Mennie
Hands-Off - Routine
by Stefan Olschewski
Yif - Art of Magic Interview
by Tim Ellis
Buying The Perfect Domain Name
by Leif David
It's Childs Play
by Tony Chris
Coming Up With Original Ideas
by Charles Bach
Downsizing of Magic
by Jeff McBride
The Magic Assistant Interview
with Temika Sperry
The Ring Rip-Off
by Paul Romhany
by Bizzaro
50th Acknowledgements
by Steve Spill
Choosing Your First Grand Illusion
by JC Sum
Compatability Test
by Richard Webster
Ultimate Victory Cartons Illusion
by JC Sum
The Elimination Game
by Wayne Rogers
Magic Reviews
by Paul Romhany & friends
Stand and Deliver
by Dean Hankey and Kerrin Hogan
Billz routine
by TC Tahoe
Wilson Meets Weber
by Danny Archer
Young Magicians Corner
by Chase Hasty
The Success Series
by Cris Johnson
Income Marketing for Magicians
by Randy Charach
From the Desk
of Keith Fields
And Another Thing
by Chipper Lowell
VANISH has quickly become the leading 'go to' magic magazine in the world featuring some of the most prominent working magicians and mentalists out there today including; Jeff Mcbride, Banachek, Richard Webster, Keith Fields, Wayne Rogers, Eugene Burger, Mark Parker, Nick Lewin, Cris Johsnon, Randy Charach, Andrew Gerard, TC Tahoe, Bizzaro, JC Sum and Magic Babe Ning, Nick Lewin and Diamond Jim Tylerr, Ken Dyne to name a few!
Here's what the world of magic is saying about VANISH - International Magic Magazine ...
"We have been readers of Vanish Magazine since day one and love watching it's continued success and growth since its inception. We love the ease and convenience of downloading each issue, yet it has the feel and layout of a real magazine. What more could you ask for? MORE VANISH MAGAZINES!!!"
Michael Giles
"ALL the Vanish magazines are with me everywhere I go (on my laptop and mobile devices) so that I can read them while I'm on the road and refer back to all the great articles whenever I want to. Vanish magazine is the best collection of articles by working professionals. It gives you the best access to the people who are in the know. I love it!"
Robert Strong
"VANISH isn't just a magazine you casually read and then toss aside. In a single month, Vanish Magazine has more practical advice for working magicians than all the other magic magazines combined. If it were offered as a print edition VANISH would find a respected place of honor on my bookshelf (and not hidden under my mattress like all those other magazines)."
Doug Scheer
"Love the magazine, and the format! I've never missed an issue. It's the best value out there, the price is right, and the new iPad edition is "awesome sauce!!"
Magic Mike Segal
"A practical and substantial magazine done by pros. A real treat to see VANISH appear!"
Rafael Benatar
"Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading Vanish Magazine. It's got a great international feel! You've had me hooked since the first issue and I always look forward to the next issue. You guys are definitely covering new territory. Congratulations and keep up the great work!"
Bill Herz
Kevin James
It is a crime that this magazine is free. This is better laid out and better content than many of the paid magazines out there. There is no reason anyone who has an interest in magic on any level is not reading this. In this day of age of "everything comes with a price," this is unbelievable."
"I think it's great! Definitely directed at the performing magician - which is a niche not covered by any other publication."!
Bill Abbott
"I think' Vanish' should be AKA ' Glue' - you just can't put it down!"
Wayne Dobson
"VANISH Magazine somehow manages to bridge the gap, ushering in the future of Magic while honouring it's past."
Bro Gilbert
"Congrats on your new magazine, Vanish. Well done! I hope and trust that you have continued success!"
Jeff Hobson
"Just wanted to say I just received my free download and I'm very impressed! Great Magazine!"
Bill Malone
The internet has already had a major impact on how magicians find and access information, and now the International digital magic publication VANISH has embraced these changes bringing us the new fabulous magic magazine of the future.
Alan Watson
VANISH magazine is the BEST online magic magazine. Great information and always on time. It's on my iPad. It's a must have for all magicians.
Oscar Munoz
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