The idea behind these videos was to capture Vernon live so future magicians can experience him.
No magician should miss these videos. Dai Vernon was the Dean of modern magic and he shares great things on these tapes.
Volume 11Gary Ouellet IntroThe International Gambler's CodeThe Zanzig CodeThe SpreadThe Miami Brothers PloyThe Vernon Card SwitchThe Gambler's Hole Card SwitchThe SnatchThe Verbal Code (Vernon)Teaching Method for Verbal Code (Memorized Cards)How to Memorize the Cards (Vernon Method)Vernon Tells the Story of BennyVernon Tells the Names of Each Card in his CodeVernon Short CardCorner ShortFreeman Demonstrates Short Card Control
Volume 12Gary Ouellet introFreeman Quotes ErdnaseThe Erdnase Bottom DealThe Elliott Bottom DealThe Artanis Bottom DealGambling vs. MagicThe Second Deal - The Erdnase MethodsThe Johnny Thompson MethodVernon's Trick for Second DealVernon Gives Tips on Second DealThe Vernon New Theory Second DealThe Big Lie about the Strike SecondThe Elliott Million Dollar SecretMexican Joe's ShiftThe Side ShiftCovering the One-Handed ShiftThe S.W.E. ShiftThe Kennedy Center Deal (The Real Work)Bad Habits Center Deal