The opener from one of the busiest magicians in Latin America.3 x 1: Three routines for the price of one! Routine 1:The magician says:"Today I'm going to show you the very first trick I learned."He shows a card folded twice."I want you to name any card."The spectator replies e.g. "Six of Spades."The magician says "I never hit" and he shows that it's the wrong card.He says: "I've been trying this for years and I always miss," while he shows a transparent bag full of folded cards. After the laughs he says: "It's very hard to divine a card, but it's harder to catch a thought."He throws the cards from the bag into the air -- among the "showers" of cards, he catches one folded card. He unfolds it and shows it's precisely the named one!Routine 2:You perform the classic "52 on 1" gag and, as a finale, you show a prediction that matches exactly the freely thought-of card!Routine 3:A spectator chooses a continent and then he freely chooses ANY country. After a very funny gag, you show a prediction that matches exactly the freely chosen country!