Saturn Magic will not be selling this item it is total rubbish, do not even consider spending your money on this.
In 1950s, David Berglas created the "Holy Grail" of card magic, known as "The Berglas Effect".The Berglas Effect:The performer shows a shuffled pack of cards, then a spectator is asked to think of ANY card in the deck. Next, the spectator is asked to name a random number between 1 and 52. Amazingly, the randomly thought of card is found at the exact number the spectator had thought of. In later years, this effect was known as "ACAAN" and is still regarded as one of the most impossible card effects in magic.Skymember Presents is proud to introduce you to Isolated, the very first instalment to our PRO SERIES.This ultimate version of ACAAN was created by Mr. Xuan. He will be going over every detail on not only how to perform this super-clean effect but also goes into the psychology, patter, and routine structure.With Isolated, you can perform multiple imperceptible mind-blowing routines that under insane fair conditions.PRO SERIES:Have you ever wondered why; when some magicians perform an effect, they seem so professional? Or maybe they always get standing ovations? Or maybe they just have "that special thing"? Have you ever wondered how can YOU overcome these uncertainties? Well, now you can. Therefore we have decided to release our PRO SERIES!Many things are to be taken into account when designing a professional routine. It's not just about the moves and techniques... there's psychology, patter, routine structure and so much more. We'll shed light onto all the minute details from start to finish. Isolated is not just a trick, it's a masterclass, come on inside for we have so much to share... in isolated.Features: