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Take 5 by Michael "Dizzy" Breggar eBook DOWNLOAD
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From the unsyncopated mind of Hepcat "Dizzy" Michael Breggar comes a new album of killer-diller-thriller card routines.
It's Dave Brubeck in style, Miles Davis in form, Louis Armstrong in structure, and all Michael Breggar in method and quirkiness!
Mike is back with FIVE incredible, sleight-lite masterful effects that will shake your clefs and make your audience's jaws sag while they laugh, applaud wildly, and cut a rug!
These routines are all part of Michael's current repertoire and include some that have been performed at his Magic Castle gigs.
Here's what's been waxed, cool cats:
- Michael's newest go-to "Any Card at Any Number" routine. It is sleight-lite easy and impossible to backtrack. Based on ideas from Barrie Richardson, other magicians have called it "superb." Audiences just call it "in-the-pocket awesome"!
- "Lippy" Liepzig's "Sympathetic 13" gets a jazzy makeover in Michael's mind-blowing, easy version using a single non-gaffed deck - fully shuffled by the audience!
Decisions, Decisions
- Direct from Michael's last Magic Castle set, think impossible "Blizzard" abetted by several audience members. Bebopping with your spectators, they name any card color, value, and suit to jam a card. You cleanly remove that named card from the deck and then instantly show every other card hasn't been printed yet! Yeah, they are all blank, Hepcats!
- A jazzy melody straight outta Baker Street, Dizzy Mike takes a Harry Lorayne tune and egg-beats-it-to-the-bar. A card is selected and returned, and using Holmesian deduction and Scotland Yard line-ups, is revealed in a rather unusual fashion. But then Sherlock, also reveals the card's three sidekick mates. But then Dr. Watson sockdollagers everyone by revealing a prediction that has been in front of everyone's goggles from the start!
Order in the Cortex
- Another frequent performance piece from the Breggar song-book. Two participants shuffle and cut an ordinary deck. Each keeps half of the cut cards, then removes six cards sight unseen from their piles. They then look at a single card of their six and swap it face-down with their partner who mixes that card in with their other five. The two six-card packets are turned face-up as the subjects try to discern which of the six cards they are looking at is the stranger from the other person's packet. They may guess correctly, but the cool cat magician has already read the minds of both and pulled matching cards out of a jumbo deck.
You'll also groove to Michael's Liner Notes at the end of the book. There are some fabulous nuances and hints to use as you shred as well as some great touches on Jay Ose's false triple cut and an incredible false full-deck mix that'll have your eyes buggin' out like Dizzy Gillespie's cheeks!
So, press some kale in our mitts, grab your axes, and start jammin' some zoot magic! You'll slide from noodlin' to smokin' toodlin' in no time at all!
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